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Refers to our Thinking Process, our nervous system and how we understand things happening around us.
Refers to our Language. The way you use language and how it influences you and those around you.
Refers to our Behavior. The way you organize ideas and actions which produces expected and unexpected results.
NLP was co-created and developed by two gentlemen keenly interested in psychology, Richard Bandler and John Grinder in the early 70’s. It was built over the concepts of Hypnotherapy. Many of its concepts were derived from the work of Milton H Erickson, the father of hypnotherapy.
They studied some of the most outstanding Communicators and Thought Leaders and discovered the:
Neuro Linguistic Programming focuses on how to use our mind (and thoughts) and language (verbal and non-verbal) to bring about a change in our programmed habitual behavior. NLP talks about Looking forward and is Outcome oriented
NLP is a powerful tool kit for making decision, building relationships, creating a balanced life, becoming an influencer, one who is able to manage thoughts and emotions, once who overcome depression, Anxiety, Stress and how you can remain always at the peak state i.e., high on confidence.
NLP provides effective and time-tested methodologies for exponential personal & professional growth. Once you have the tools of NLP, you will find it is easier to navigate the journey of life, being in a resourceful space and with more control.
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